Japan’s first “Health Promotion” SIB project partnering with companies Case studies
Provided total support from investment to implementation in relation to the Health Promotion project in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture (informal name: Okayama Health Campaign).
PFS/SIB Partnership project with government

This is Japan’s first SIB created in partnership with companies, and consists of 23 mostly local companies that provide services through a consortium, with the funding required for implementing the project also provided by the companies participating in the consortium and other companies that endorse the aims of the initiative. In addition to investing in this project, the SIIF was involved at the project structuring stage in designing outcome metrics and methods for evaluating social impact, as well as investigating payment conditions and funding approaches. At the project implementation stage we provided further assistance, such as by conducting periodic progress monitoring.
Overview of the Health Points SIB project using SIB (informal name: Okayama Health Campaign)
The social problem and its background
In the Healthy Life Expectancy Rankings for 20 major cities that were first published in 2014, Okayama City was ranked among the lowest of the government-designated cities, in addition to which medical costs related to lifestyle diseases were higher than the national average, bringing into focus the issues of improving the lifestyles of city residents and moderating medical costs.
- Project name
- Okayama Health Campaign
- Project cost
- ¥370,388,000
- Project period
- Five years, beginning in fiscal 2018
- Targeted outcomes
- Aims to improve the exercise, nutrition and diets of city residents, encourage their continued participation in society (help give purpose to life), and moderate medical costs.
- Role of SIIF
- <As an investor>
Provision of funds
<As an intermediary support organization>
Project structuring stage: support for investigating outcome metrics and methods for evaluating social impact, payment conditions, and funding approaches, etc.
Project implementation stage: monitoring project progress